LK4D4 Blog

Deploying blog with docker and hugo

May 4, 2014


Recently I moved my jabber-server to DigitalOcean VPS. Run Prosody in docker was so easy, that I decided create this blog. And of course deploy it with docker!


At first we need container with templates and content for blog generation. I used next dockerfile:

FROM debian:jessie

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y ca-certificates git-core
RUN git clone /src
VOLUME ["/src"]
CMD ["pull"]

There is no magic here: just clone repo to /src (it will be used below), and update it on container start.

Build image:

docker build -t blog/content .

Create data container:

docker run --name blog_content blog/content

For updating content and templates from github we need just:

docker start blog_content


Hugo – very fast static site generator, written in Go (so many cool things written in Go btw).

Idea is to run hugo in docker container so it reads contents from one directory and writes generated blog to another.

Hugo dockerfile:

FROM crosbymichael/golang

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y bzr

RUN go get

VOLUME ["/var/www/blog"]

CMD ["-w", "-s", "/src", "-d", "/var/www/blog"]

So, here we go get hugo and use /src(remember this from content container?) as source directory for it and /var/www/blog as destination.

Now build image and run container with hugo:

docker build -t blog/rendered .
docker run --name blog --volumes-from blog_content blog/rendered

Here the trick with --volumes-from – we used /src from blog_content container, and yeah, we’re going to use /var/www/blog from blog container.


So, now we have container with templates and content blog_content, content with ready to use blog blog, it’s time to show this blog to the world.

I write simple config for nginx:

server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        root /var/www/blog;

Put it to sites-enabled directory, which used in this pretty dockerfile:

FROM dockerfile/nginx

ADD sites-enabled/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Build image and run container with nginx:

docker build -t nginx .
docker run -p 80:80 -d --name=nginx --volumes-from=blog nginx

That’s it, now blog is running on and you can read it :) I can update it just with docker start blog_content.


It’s really fun to use docker. You don’t need to install and remove tons of crap on host machine, docker can handle it all for you.


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