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Unprivileged containers in Go, Part2: UTS namespace (setup namespaces)

Jul 17, 2015

Setup namespaces

In previous part we created some namespaces and executed process in them. It was cool, but in real world we need to setup namespaces before process starts. For example setup mounts, make chroot, set hostname, create network interfaces etc. We need this because we can’t expect from user process that it will do it, it want all ready to execute.

So, in our case we want to insert some code after namespaces creation, but before process execution. In C it’s pretty easy to do, because there is clone call there. Not so easy in Go(but easy, really). In Go we need to spawn new process with our code in new namespaces. We can do it with executing our own binary again with different arguments.

Look at code:

    cmd := &exec.Cmd{
        Path: os.Args[0],
        Args: append([]string{"unc-fork"}, os.Args[1:]...),

Here we create *exec.Cmd which will call same binary with same arguments as caller, but will replace os.Args[0] with string unc-fork (yes, you can specify any os.Args[0], not only program name). It will be our keyword, which indicates that we want to setup namespaces and execute process.

So, let’s insert at the top of main() function next lines:

    if os.Args[0] == "unc-fork" {
        if err := fork(); err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Fork error: %v", err)

It means next: execute function fork() and exit in special case of os.Args[0].

Let’s write fork() now:

func fork() error {
    fmt.Println("Start fork")
    path, err := exec.LookPath(os.Args[1])
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("LookPath: %v", err)
    fmt.Printf("Execute %s\n", append([]string{path}, os.Args[2:]...))
    return syscall.Exec(path, os.Args[1:], os.Environ())

It’s simplest fork() function, it’s just prints some messages before starting process. Let’s look at os.Args array here. For example if we wanted to spawn sh -c "echo hello" in namespaces, then now array looks like ["fork", "sh", "-c", "echo hello"]. We resolving "sh" as "/bin/sh" and call

syscall.Exec("/bin/sh", []string{"sh", "-c", "echo hello"}, os.Environ())

syscall.Exec calls execve syscall, you can read about it more in man execve. It receives path to binary, arguments and array of environmental variables. Here we just passing all variables down to process, but we can change them in fork() too.

UTS namespace

Let’s do some real work in our new shiny function. Let’s try to setup hostname for our “container” (by default it inherits hostname of host). Let’s add next lines to fork():

    if err := syscall.Sethostname([]byte("unc")); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Sethostname: %v", err)

If we try to execute this code we’ll get:

Fork error: Sethostname: operation not permitted

because we’re trying to change hostname in host’s UTS namespace.

From man namespaces:

UTS  namespaces  provide  isolation  of two system identifiers: the hostname and the NIS domain name.

So let’s isolate our hostname from host’s hostname. We can create our own UTS namespace by adding syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS to Cloneflags. Now we’ll see successfully changed hostname:

$ unc hostname


Tag on github for this article is uts_setup, it can be found here. I added some functions to separate steps, created Cfg structure in container.go file, so later we can change container configuration in one place. Also I added logging with awesome library logrus.

Thanks for reading! I hope to see you next week in part about mount namespaces, it’ll be very interesting.

Previous parts:

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